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Survey sources for the TI Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) 2005

Number 1 2 3
Source Columbia University, The Center for International Earth Science Information Network Economist Intelligence Unit Nations in Transit
Abbreviation CU EIU FH
Name State Capacity Survey Country Risk Service and Country Forecast Nations in Transit
Year 2003 2005 2005
Who was surveyed? US-resident country experts (policy analysts, academics and journalists) Expert staff assessment Assessment by US, regional and in-country experts
Subject asked Severity of corruption within the state The misuse of public office for private (or political party) gain Extent of corruption as practiced in governments, as perceived by the public and as reported in the media as well as the implementation of anticorruption initiatives.
Number of replies 224 Not applicable Not applicable
Coverage 95 countries 156 countries 29 countries
Number 4 5 6
Source Institute for Management Development, Lausanne, Switzerland
Abbreviation IMD
Name World Competitiveness Yearbook
Year 2003 2004 2005
Who was surveyed? Executives in top and middle management; domestic and international companies
Subject asked Bribing and corruption exist in the economy
Number of replies > 4,000 4166 Roughly 4000
Coverage 49 countries 51 countries
Number 7 8
Source Information International Merchant International Group
Abbreviation II MIG
Name Survey of Middle Eastern Business People Grey Area Dynamics
Year 2003 2005
Who was surveyed? Senior businesspeople from Bahrain, Lebanon and UAE Expert staff and network of local correspondents
Subject asked How common are bribes, how costly are they for doing business and how frequently are public contracts awarded to friends and relatives in neighboring countries Corruption, ranging from bribery of government ministers to inducements payable to the "humblest clerk".
Number of replies 382 assessments from 165 respondents Not applicable
Coverage 31 countries 155 countries
Number 9 10 11
Source Political & Economic Risk Consultancy
Abbreviation PERC
Name Asian Intelligence Newsletter
Year 2003 2004 2005
Who was surveyed? Expatriate business executives
Subject asked How bad do you consider the problem of corruption to be in the country in which you are working as well as in your home country?
Number of replies More than 1000 More than 1000 More than 1000
Coverage 14 countries 12 countries
Number 12 13
Source World Markets Research Center United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
Abbreviation WMRC UNECA
Name Risk Ratings Africa Governance Report
Year 2005 2005
Who was surveyed? Expert staff assessment National expert survey (between 70 and 120 in each country)
Subject asked The likelihood of encountering corrupt officials, ranging from petty bureaucratic corruption to grand political corruption. "Corruption Control". This includes aspects related to corruption in the legislature, judiciary, and at the executive level and as well as in tax collection. Aspects of access to justice and government services are also involved
Number of replies Not applicable roughly 2800
Coverage 186 countries 28 countries
Number 14 15 16
Source World Economic Forum
Abbreviation WEF
Name Global Competitiveness Report
Year 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06
Who was surveyed? Senior business leaders; domestic and international companies
Subject asked Undocumented extra payments connected with various government functions/td>
Number of replies 7,741 8,700 10,993
Coverage 102 countries 104 countries 117 countries