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Research Area
Corruption Perceptions Index
Lecture and Workshops
19th Workshop, Passau, 2023
18th Workshop, Passau, 2022
17th Workshop, Passau, 2019
16th Workshop, Passau, 2018
15th Workshop, Passau, 2017
14th Workshop, Passau, 2016
13th Workshop, Passau, 2014
12th Workshop, Passau, 2013
11th Workshop, Passau, 2012
10th Workshop, Passau, 2010
9th Workshop, Passau, 2009
8th Workshop, Passau, 2008
7th Workshop, Passau, 2007
6th Workshop, Passau, 2006
5th Workshop, Passau, 2005
4th Workshop, Passau, 2004
3rd Workshop, Passau, 2003
Guest Workshop in Mozambique, 2002
2nd Workshop, 2002
1st Workshop, Goettingen 2002
1st lecture, 2001
The Economics of Corruption 2006 - Details
Guest Presentations
Mr. Franz-Hermann Brüner, Director General of OLAF (European Anti-Fraud Office)
Title: "The European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and Initiatives in the Fight Against Corruption"
Mrs. Regina Puls, head of compliance at Deutsche Bahn AG (German Railways)
Title: "Anti-Corruption Enforcement - What A Company Can Do"
Mr. Manfred Nötzel, senior public prosecutor in Munich, Germany, and head of one of Germany's biggest anti-corruption units.
Title: "Investigation Strategies and Tactics in the Prosecution of Corruption Offences: Experiences from Germany"
Corruption in Public Contracting:
This workshop explored the corruption risks and main corruption dynamics in public contracting processes and the ways to adress them.
Corruption in public procurement is one of the most common and persistent forms of abuse despite world-wide reform efforts.
This is not suprising if one realizes that close to 70% of public budgets turn on one way or another into contracts.
The workshop thus started with some basic concepts necessary to understand public contracting processes;
looked into the process per se and other adjacent sources of risks; then looked into the strengths and weeknesses of common remedies and
some experiencs around the world in preventing corruption in this field.
The workshop included a discussion of a case study that enabled participants to derive further insights and have a discussion grounded in practice.
Head of Workshop: Ms. Juanita Olaya, Transparency International
Whistleblowing and Fraud Risk Management: Whistleblowing is indispensable in fighting corruption. The workshop's
participants gained insights into the dynamics of proper risk
communication structures on effective Fraud Risk Management. There was a
focus on the role of management. Effects of ombudsman services, hotlines and
whistleblower protection were also considered.
Head of Workshop: Mr. Björn Rohde-Liebenau, RCC Risk Communication Concepts
The UN Convention against Corruption - More than a Political Instrument?:
The workshop aimed at providing an overview on the UNCAC with emphasis on the dimension of global conventions, the strengths and limitations of UNCAC,
the differences in views and perceptions of stakeholders and the to date achievements. The participants were put in a position to understand the value of
international regimes as exemplified by the UNCAC and through their active involvement
what conditions and actions need to be initiated to implement the UNCAC.
Head of Workshop: Mr. Hannes Hechler, German Development Agency (GTZ)
Fighting Corruption with Asymmetric Sanctions, Leniency Programs and Self-Reporting Schemes: Corrupt arrangements are characterized by a high risk of opportunism.
Moreover, whistleblowing and extortion add another layer of uncertainty for participants in corrupt transactions. In this workshop participants learned
how legislators may use an asymmetric design of (criminal) sanctions, leniency programs and self-reporting schemes to amplify these inherent risks, thereby destabilizing corrupt arrangements.
Head of Workshop: Mr. Mathias Nell, University of Passau
The Corruption Perceptions Index: This workshop was designed to enhance the participants' understanding of the CPI by producing the CPI
from a reduced sample of countries.
Head of Workshop: Mr. Luka Bajec, University of Passau