Contact information
Research Area
Corruption Perceptions Index
Lecture and Workshops
19th Workshop, Passau, 2023
18th Workshop, Passau, 2022
17th Workshop, Passau, 2019
16th Workshop, Passau, 2018
15th Workshop, Passau, 2017
14th Workshop, Passau, 2016
13th Workshop, Passau, 2014
12th Workshop, Passau, 2013
11th Workshop, Passau, 2012
10th Workshop, Passau, 2010
9th Workshop, Passau, 2009
8th Workshop, Passau, 2008
7th Workshop, Passau, 2007
6th Workshop, Passau, 2006
5th Workshop, Passau, 2005
4th Workshop, Passau, 2004
3rd Workshop, Passau, 2003
Guest Workshop in Mozambique, 2002
2nd Workshop, 2002
1st Workshop, Goettingen 2002
1st lecture, 2001
The Economics of Corruption 2010: Lecture and Workshop in Good Governance and Reform
Training and qualifying practitioners, researchers and students in anti-corruption is increasingly requested, utterly needed, but still in its infancy.
For many years now we developed a training program that fills this gap, joining the world of theory with the world of practice. An analysis of political,
economic and organizational incentives allows participants to obtain a profound understanding of the forces that are at play. Survey techniques and
statistical analysis confront theory with data. Interactive tools such as games, poster presentations and case studies involve participants
and make them acquainted with today's challenges. Prof. Johann Graf Lambsdorff and his team have spearheaded models for reform related to such issues as
contract penalties, compliance systems, debarment, procurement, leniency and corporate liability. Participants are introduced into this body of research.
This international event continues to be offered on a pro bono basis. It is directed towards anti-corruption policymakers and
practitioners, as well as towards graduate and post-graduate students and faculty in the social sciences.
The Economics of Corruption 2010 - Details
Time: October 9-16, 2010
Program: The program is available here.
The event consits of 5 guest trainings from selected experts, case studies, games and poster presentations, and a dinner presentation. The whole event is
free of charge. The course is restricted to successful applicants (information see below).
For registration please send an email to Mrs. Sabine Lang.
Venue: University of Passau, Germany
Requirements: Except for graduate students, all external participants must present a poster covering their latest research or findings from an
anticorruption project. More information on the poster presentations is available
Prospective participants must apply by completing the application form. The application deadline is August 15, 2010.
Please send your application to Mrs. Sabine Lang.
A limited number of 30 outstanding international candidates are allowed to participate. Excellence of applications is judged on the quality of
the proposal submitted for the poster presentation. No limits are put on methodology or academic disciplines. Posters can be empirical, theoretical, experimental or practical.
While participation is free of charge, we do not provide funding for travel or lodging.
Course material will be sold for 20 EUR and another 20 EUR will be collected for the dinner.
Exam: A final exam is offered on October 21, 2010, from 2-4 p.m. International students receive 3 ECTS credit points.
Accommodation: The City of Passau provides all ranges of accommodation. A list of selected hotels including prices and contact information is available
here (Excel-File). You may also go the webpages of the
Passau Tourist Information. Participants are asked to arrange accommodation on their own.
We are asking students from Passau to volunteer in making guest rooms at their apartments available. Please indicate
your willingness to offer or request such an opportunity.
How to reach us?
The City of Passau is located at the German-Austrian
border, about 150 km east from Munich. It can be
reached by train from Munich International Airport,
Frankfurt International Airport, Linz International Airport and Vienna International Airport. |  |
The venue is in walking distance from the
railway station. |  |
Maps as Downloads (PDF) | Campus Map |
Basic literature
- Lambsdorff, J. Graf (2007) "The New Institutional Economics of Corruption and Reform: Theory, Evidence and Policy". Cambridge University Press
Further literature, case studies and course material will be mailed to accepted participants.
Documents are available for the following guest presentations
The following presentations have been held during the event
- Yuvinalis Angima
Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission
The anatomy of corruption in the health care delivery sector in Kenya
- Vitus Adaboo Azeem
Ghana Integrity Initiative
Are the UNCAC, OECD Convention Working: The Maybey and Johnson Case
- Kristina Bouree
PhD-Candidate, University of Prague
Special Anti-Corruption Bodies: Brief Overview of Typology
- Gassendy Calice
Economist at the statistics and planning section, Haiti
Addressing Corruption Risk in Haitian Reconstruction after the Earthquake of January 2010
- Liljian Cherotich
PhD-Candidate, Oxford University
The influence of patronage networks on Kenya’s experience of corruption
- Jorge Finke, Faculty member at the Universidad Javeriana, Colombia
Complex networks of corruption
- Stephanie Garvey
USAID, Cambodia
Million Signature Campaign - Anti-Corruption Effort
- Omer Gokcekus
School of Diplomacy and International Relations; USA
Business Cycles and Corruption
- Martin Handler
Federal Bureau of Anti-Corruption, Austria
Preventing Corruption - Educing preventive measures from the analysis of solved cases.
- Robert Kalensky
Federal Bureau of Anti-Corruption, Austria
Structures and Characteristics of the Austrian Bureau of Anti-Corruption - BAK
- Fabian Kannemann
PhD-Candidate, University of Leipzig
Corruption and Compensation (A Framework for an Agency Model of Controlling Corruption by Compensation)
- Elitza Katzarova Elkova
PhD-Candidate, University of Trento
The International Anti-Corruption Regime - From the FCPA to the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention and Beyond
- Julia Muravska
Defence and Security Counter-Corruption Programme, Transparency International, London
Corruption Risks of Offsets and Preventative Mechanisms
- Stephen Radido
Advocate of the High Court of Kenya
The First Mercantile Securities Corporation case and the issue of Mutual Legal Assistanc
- Sergio Rodríguez
Investigation Coordinator for the Argentinian National Anti-corruption Office
The Administrative Investigations Aoorney General's Office
- James Sitienei
Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission, attorney
Corruption in Kenyan Judiciary
- Maria Luisa Miralles
Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia
Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia - Prevention and Fight against Corruption
The class of 2010